Who We Are


Megan started to work in the industry whilst she was still at school. Megan undertook an Education Degree before transferring into the Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education at Flinders University.

Megan has worked in a variety of different job roles within the disability industry before she founded Honey Pot Disability Services. Megan has a wide range of experience working with children and young adults to develop independence, social skills and their understanding of emotional regulation; whilst also supporting individuals transitions.


Andrew had been studying an Education Degree and working at a primary school when he decided to change his career path and transfer into the Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education at Flinders University.

Andrew has a broad skill set and is always eager to learn new things. Andrew has extensive knowledge working with non-verbal individuals, individuals who present behaviours of concern, individuals who are home-schooled and individuals who require extra support within the classroom.