What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is sharing knowledge, skills, and life experience to guide another individual towards reaching their full potential; it is a journey of shared discovery. Mentoring is multi-faceted; it can be formal or informal and may change and evolve as the needs of the mentee change. A mentor can be a role model, coach, sounding board, voice of reason, and a trusted resource. Quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of situations.

Ultimately, mentoring connects a young person to personal growth and development and improved social and economic opportunity.

What Does a Mentor Offer?

Mentors listen objectively and act as a sounding board. They ask questions that encourage mentees to look at issues from a variety of perspectives and focus on problem-solving, decision-making, and solutions. They challenge traditional ways of thinking and encourage strategies outside of their mentee’s comfort zone.

Mentors can prepare their mentees through life transition planning, peer-support and individual skill development. Mentors raise the bar regarding a mentee’s potential and provide guidance, support, encouragement, and constructive feedback.